MOBERG'S AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR > Top Level Auto Repair & Maintenance Services > MACHINE SHOP SERVICES
847-362-8905 | 1076 E Park Ave Libertyville, IL 60048
Auto Machine Shop Services
Brake Drum / Rotor Resurfacing
A brake drum/rotor is not meant to last forever. They wear down a little every time you step on the brake pedal. Most modern cars come with thinner rotors to save on weight. Due to their slimness, the rotors wear out faster. For this reason, it is advisable to have the rotors and brake drums resurfaced every time you are replacing the brake pads. Resurfacing is an economical alternative to replacing the rotors/drums with new ones. If your brake rotors/drums have sufficient metal remaining with no hard spots, cracks, severe grooving, or rusting, then resurfacing is a great option. For expert resurfacing services, call 847-362-8905 or visit Moberg's Automotive Repair today.
Press U Joints
A clunking or clicking sound from underneath your car may indicate a worn out universal joint (U joint). A worn U joint can be replaced easily by use of a press machine. First press one side, remove the cap and then press the other side in the same fashion. Although easy, most auto shops do not press U joints due to lack of the necessary machinery and expertise. At Moberg's Automotive Repair's machine shop, we have the necessary press machines and qualified staff to press your car's U joints.
Press Wheel Bearings
At Moberg's Automotive Repair's machine shop, we will handle all your wheel bearing needs with our high-tech press machines. Call us at 847-362-8905 or visit us in Libertyville, IL 60048 today.
Used Oil Drop-Off Location
Recycling used oil from your car is simple and good for the environment. To have your used oil recycled, you need to take it to a used oil drop-off location like Moberg's Automotive Repair. We collect used oil for recycling as a service to our customers and the environment. Give us a call today 847-362-8905.
To learn more about our Machine Shop services, call us at 847-362-8905 or request a quote by clicking below:
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